Woohoo I made it through the weekend! Praise Jesus, it wasn't even so bad. I slept most of the time but I can't even complain about church! They had a guest pastor and he was great! He was the evangelical type but unlike most evengelicals he actually preached straight out of the Bible.

They mostly preached about family issues and how it's because society has forced God out of our families that our country is so screwed up.

They are right! The crime rates are so high and it's not just in the big cities anymore. Not only is it unsafe no matter where you go, but now our government is trying to take away our rights to defend ourselves. It's becomming quite rediculous and I, for one, am not letting it effect my family in the slightest. There are two (2) people I answer to and they are God and my husband.

Neither one of them are telling my it's wrong to defend myself, my family, or my beliefs. Well, that's enough ranting for now. I have plenty of time to get into it more tomorrow.