FAITH is an essential ingredient in life; one which we cannot do without. It is much talked about but little understood, simple and yet profound, available to all but little used. To have faith means to believe in or be reliant on someone or something. In the realm of the Christian life, to have faith in Jesus Christ means to believe in Him, to be reliant upon Him for eternal salvation.
FAITH in Jesus Christ means that apart from Him there is no forgiveness of sins or eternal life. So, to have the forgiveness of sins and to have eternal life, people must place their belief, their
FAITH, in Jesus Christ alone. In doing so, they must believe that their ‘good works’ cannot help them in securing the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Reading in Ephesians 2:8, 9, we find that, “For by grace are ye saved through
FAITH (emphasis mine); and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
FAITH in Jesus Christ for Eternal salvation:
I Trust
Forsaking — laying aside my human efforts and wisdom, having realized that they cannot help, but only hinder, God’s offer for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
All — holding back nothing whatsoever, I completely empty myself of my pride, efforts, desires, etc.
I — no one else can do it for me; it is my choice, my responsibility, and I must do it.
Trust — the placing of my total confidence, or commitment.
Him — Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, the One who, though innocent and perfect, died on the Cross of Calvary as my sin-bearer, my substitute, in order that the demands of a holy God should be met for the payment of sin.