"Remember in the Bible God had to send a great storm, not too long after He had made this wonderful creation. Man forgot God and went away from Him. God sent the storm, and after He had cleansed the earth and got man's attention again, He gave a promise that He would never again destroy the world with a flood. He signed that promise with a rainbow!
The rainbow was God's signature to say to us, "Never again will I destroy you by a flood." But I think when He put that beautiful bow in the clouds, He must have said, "Oh how I love My people. I don't want them to go away from Me. I want them to fellowship with Me. I don't want to have them hurt." And I think that bow represents all the promises He would give that would help us in our hurts.
Let me tell you what rainbows are. Rainbows are caused by the sun's rays passing through drops of water, and rays returning again back towards the sun which causes the spectrum of color that we see. The interesting thing is your back must be to the sun to see the rainbow. Isn't that the way it is in our spiritual life? We often only see rainbows when our backs are to the sun and we don't see any sun at all."
-- Mrs. Beverly Hyles
God's beautiful rainbows are caused by the rays of the sun/Son passing through drops of water/tears and returning back towards the sun/Son and this must happen for us to see the beautiful spectrum of color in a bow in the sky. In storms with many tears please never stop looking for and expecting a rainbow from God...you opened your computer to one today!
-- Sharon Merhalski